The Hugh Lane Gallery group exhibition

Thursday, 06 December 2012 01:00

From 6h December 2012 till 30th January 2013 my "The Raft of the Medusa" will be exhibited at The Hugh Lane Dublin City Gallery.

The exhibition called "The Future Perfect" will show works by Asylumarchive, Gemma Browne, Fiona Chambers, Carol Anne Connolly, Paul Doherty, Mark Durkan, John Gayer, Raine Hozier Byrne, Moze Jacobs, Myra Jago, Bartosz Kolata, Eoin Mac Lochlainn, Shelly McDonnell, Ian McInerney, Caroline McNally, Lorraine Neeson, Bláthnaid Ní Mhurchú, Thomas O'Brien, Tadhg Ó Cuirrín, Peter O'Kennedy, Fergus O'Neill, Ethna O'Regan, Lynda Phelan, Ben Sloat, Chris Timms, Chanelle Walshe, and Lee Welch. Curated by Jim Ricks.

The Hybrids

Tuesday, 06 January 2009 01:00

The series of paintings called "The Hybrids" analyze a contemporary phenomenon of plastic surgery.


Friday, 15 July 2005 02:00




Sunday Independent  – 07 March 2015

Sophie Gorman

Connecticut circus disaster

The day the clowns died. On July 6 1944, in Hartford Connecticut, there was one of the worst fire disasters in the history of America. The fire started during an afternoon matinee at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus, which had an audience of 7,000 people. The circus bandleader Merle Evans was the first to spot the fire and instantly directed the band to play The Stars and Stripes Forever, a tune that traditionally signaled alarm to all circus personnel. The ringmaster Fred Bradna desperately tried to urge the audience to leave in an orderly fashion, but the power failed and no one could hear him. More than 160 people died and 700 were injured.

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